
Friday, August 26, 2005


They'll be limiting gaming in China to three to five hour increments with a required five hour down period. The government will be requiring developers to add this feature to existing and future games.

This was brought on by a couple newsworthy issues about player health and violence over games. Keep in mind that 20 million people are estimate to play games in China, and these extreme changes are being made over a few incidents.

From personal experience, I can easily waste 3-5 hours of gaming without looking up. I envision massive uproar. This should be interesting.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I liked Kung Fu Hustle better than Shaolin Soccer. I was really expecting a different ending, right up until the Beast showed up.

I thought for sure that the 'hero' of the story was so destroyed by his defeat at the hands of those urinating bullies in his flashback that he was driven to more and more kung fu, to the point of becoming the Beast. He finally lost it after killing someone (for example, the Lover's son) and created the shell of a personality that is our lame protagonist - never able to go down the path of evil again, yet always striving to become a 'bad guy'. Fighting the big bad villain in the end would release the Beast again, only to be tamed by the stalwart Mute girl.

Anyways. The villain dancing at the start was fun. To portray true evil, you really have to show that evil is just like everyone else. They do things for fun. Why would a gang boss and his axe-wielding cronies hustle in sync in their gang lair? They were having fun. A villain that sits and broods in the darkness isn't having fun, so why is he doing it?


Man, I hate that word. I choose to bastardize it by not adding accent.

I also watched Eurotrip tonight. Fairly mindless T&A with the occasional laugh-out-loud content. The Scotty Doesn't Know running joke, the various 'guest appearances', the R-rating, and the robot fight made it memorable. I forgot about the freaky guy on the train.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Added two new products to the lengthening list of Things I Have To Do Extra Work For Without Getting Paid.

This now puts me at the same amount of work as everyone else, times three. Isn't this sitcom cliche #145? I think one of my coworkers is supposed to suggest I confront my boss with it in an attempt to get a raise, while I try and be meek about the job. Finally, I will cave-in to peer pressure and do something ludicrous that no one in the real world would really do, and it will cost me some excellent benefit that management was just on the verge of offering thanks to my original hard work. Then I would be angry at the coworker, without realizing that I am the one to blame as I was the moron that listened to a coworker in the first place.

Annual raise time is January. I think I can go without snapping until then. If they ain't paying me more, someone else can do it. On extremely short notice.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

I would think that a jeep would be chilly in the winter, but T to the C is one of those freaks that prefers the tundra-esque "Room Temperature".

I like the colour.

My step-sister just had a kid. Well, not just - there was the whole 9ish months of pregnancy and stuff. "Logan Justice Merriam". TJ discovered that there are little safety bands they put on newborns to prevent them from being taken from the hospital. I warned her she might get caught, but with the price newborn-firstborns are going for these days, I can't blame her for her greed.

That's just a joke. TJ is still recovering from her motorcycle accident and is smart enough to realize she wouldn't get very far.

My legitimate purchase of the Italian Job DVD is finished..um..being delivered. I'll go watch that now.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Apparently this is for real. Would certainly be more interesting than the last few wankers (Clinton wasn't so bad...).

Sid Meier's Pirates! is the devil.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I was playing the FEAR demo...an okay game. Any comments you hear about the physics being a bit flighty regarding aiming are correct. The atmosphere of the game is pretty well done, though fairly predictable.

One particular instance made me jump; I was climbing down a ladder and spun to see this little undead girl walking towards me...she then burst into a cloud of debris. Thinking the scare event was over, I slid down the ladder to the bottom, spun again to see the big mission boss directly infront of me; I wasted a shotgun round before realizing it was just my character hallucinating.

Also, there was a random prop magazine on a table that stated as the headline:
"The Event Horrizon found!", complete with a pic of the ship in the clouds.

That was probably the freakiest part. I'm amazed I haven't had nightmares of zombie/raptor Sam Neill yet.

Time to sit down and play some more of the Dungeon Seige 2 demo!

Lets see...when last I saved, I was returning a previous Elven treasure to a town elder and then...

"Thank you for playing the DS2 demo! Please buy the game when it comes out this August!"


I hate you, Gas Powered Games.


I'm sorry...I take it back. Please let me buy Supreme Commander - I'll be good


Friday, August 05, 2005


Mmmmmm TA back from the dead.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Nanotechnology + lasers. The future is here.

With D&D cancelled this weekend (DM's wife's birthday or some other insignifigant event...) and WoW being not much more than a fancy chat program, I might actually need to get my hands on another game. For the first time since December.

Battlefield 2 could be fun, and I know Jim has been playing it. Can't really go wrong with face-shooting-big-explodies. I still haven't played KOTOR (first or second) and should probably get caught up on those, but I don't think I have the attention span for an epic saga right now.

Some punk broke the LCD on my brand new phone at work. It is now slowly bleeding to death. I am so happy that they decided to cram the overnight agents into my workspace. Having finger prints on my ceiling-facing monitor, crumbs on my desk, chair readjusted, and someone eating my god-damned porridge...disgusts me. Freaking humans.

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