
Monday, February 19, 2007

Yesterday I was doing a 5 man Karazhan run because as a druid I'm comparable to a whole party by myself, and then our healer quit. I was like "No problem" and I went WACHOW with my frenzied regeneration while tanking 17 adds and spamming mangle on each one for crits of 3,000 every time. The regen only healed me for 2,500 but that's okay because with my bear form I mitigate 200% damage so each hit was actually healing me as well, plus leader of the pack. I got so healthy I actually lost weight sitting at my computer. About that time a warrior walked by outside. I think he was hoping to tank the instance for us but I pounced him from cat form (while tanking the adds inside) and did a couple of critical shreds for 50,000 each, killing him before the five second stun broke. Using the power of his tears I enraged and killed three bosses before I had to stop to let our mage drink for a moment. While the mage was drinking I switched to moonkin form and moonfire kited all the trash pulls to death simultaneously casting heals on the whole party JUST BECAUSE I COULD. Then I solo'd Illidan.

- Tygral
The Venture Co

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