
Monday, October 02, 2006


Things are starting to settle down a bit again.

We'll get thank you stuff out to people shortly, I hope. Caitlin was smart and made a big list of all the gifts and stuff. There were some delicious surprises among them, and several gifts we used the very same/next day.

Our future plans include working, starting up a D&D group (think I can DM something for longer than a month?), working, getting real furniture, working, driving, video games, update blog.

Poor video games, how you have suffered. We got each other DSs to kill time with carpools and rotating schedules. We're having a hard time finding the good games like Wario Ware and Mario Cart, but Brain Age and a Pokemon title are keeping us going for now.

Yep...so...having a hard time of typing anything else, but didn't really want to end with a weak spin on gaming...

More of you need to live in Guelph so we can get the band* back together.

*Refers to our Dungeons and Dragons gaming group. Not actually as cool as a band according to common opinion. Stupid commoners, my d8 longsword damage and strength bonus will take care of them.

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