
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Worth while read up at Fortune.com (linked by Slashdot, of course) regarding the burgeoning anime industry in North America. I'd be worried about it becoming mainstream and losing the delicious goodness that makes it as amazing as it is, but my addiction is kicking my ass and demands more episodes and more series (I started watching Eureka SeveN which is a Nadesico/Eva clone and waiting for the fansubs is KEEEEELING me and a few other longer running shows are on holiday vacation this weekOMGwithdrawl [googles a pic of cute anime girl with blue hair piloting a giant transformable robot] - OK, good for another few minutes).

There's a section that made me "WTF?" out loud when I was reading it at work:

"He's [Don Murphy] producing a live-action movie based on the 1980s anime show Transformers, which featured warring robots, each of which could turn into, say, a truck or a jet (or, in the least intimidating transformation ever, an AM/FM cassette deck)."

Soundwave, I swear, is the scariest transformer of them all - and thus the awesomest. I'll stab anyone that says otherwise. He had a guest appearance on Family Guy, for god's sake!

Its one thing to edit Han Solo to shoot second, but if they don't do Transformers right...my god, the riots.

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