
Saturday, November 08, 2003


I'm at home and I'm using the INTERNET. It's funny because I never really take it for granted and I am constantly deprived of it for stupid reasons. Can I please have some more spite with my Murphy's Laws? Mmmm, delicious, thanks.

Did you play D&D last weekend? I did. And it was fun. It would have been FUN if my character was smart enough to NOT follow the rest of the party into an OBVIOUSLY EVIL monastary previously inhabited by an ICE WIGHT in the middle the NIGHT OF A FULL MOON while we KNEW that there were ORC WEREWOLF MONKS around and subsequently get AMBUSHED by a DOZEN of them.

It didnt help that the effects of a few spells had changed (see Shield spell, now listed under 'F" for 'Fuckn Useless') and I had hastily thrown my spellcaster together while the DM fed the rest of the party to a Dire Bear.

Next time we play, there's gonna be some victim-less crimes going down (I'll be punching people in the back in the dark).

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