
Friday, October 17, 2003

Updated the description.

The patch, by the way, created a few problems in addition to fixing some things. The range of Vanu weapons is not too great, it makes fighting them as TR super hard (in addition to being super hard to fight them at close and med range...). The Lightning is now much slower, accelerates like crap and because of that, gets hit a LOT more. It has increased armour to compensate, but I think that tradeoff is questionable.

They also managed to bug the vehicle controls, at least on Shane's computer. We have no idea why, but when you accelerate (pushing the forwards key) and then let go (to stop forward acceleration), vehicles continue to move of their own volition. It's a pain in the ass since I keep driving into stuff and over my own team. I pretty much have to play holding the spacebar (break) so it's that much more annoying. I kept bitching about it to people, but no one seemed to be bothered that either there was a giant bug or that our controls had been changed in such a massive and illogical manner...

But, overall the game is much more balanced. The TR don't instantly lose all conflicts and, personally, I last a lot longer in battle thanks to the extra armour on the light tank.

CSI was a rerun last night. It's like 4 episodes into the new season. TV shows are going to shit. People need to either start complaining or stop watching so these pricks smarten up. Dr. Flocks was on Angel...he played a Doctor. Apparently Werewolves are a delicacy.

Let it also be known that I seem to splurge random things when I am at work and tired. Wicked.

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