
Monday, October 27, 2003

I'm in claaaassss
Sittin' on ma aassss

It's so frickin' boooorin'
Everyone is snooooorin'

It's like a country soooong
Where the singer whiiiiiiines

I'm gonna stab out my eyesssss
Just for somethin' to doooooo

*cue sorrowfull guitar music*

At least blogger isn't blocked on the class machines. My delightful link to the outside world. I have been here for 3 hours and have done nothing. I think Afi (the teach) is still marking our 'midterms' so he's just giving us useless busy work so that the zombies don't forget how to do stuff after the 'long' weekend.

The new apartment is nice, although it will be better when we get essencial things such as phones and internet and a bed for me. The floor isn't so bad for now, but my hair is really screwed up when I wake in the morning and I need to gel it a lot even after a shower. The floor is unacceptable for when Caitlin comes up this weekend, however. Rug burns are about as fun as a busted spine from an air mattress.

It is much like living inside the sun, temperature wise. My room is right next to the boiler/laundry room, but the apartment building in general is super heated. It would not be so bad if I could open my window and leave it open for a bit, but there is no screen on it and it's also at ground level.

Moving took...um...7 hours on Saturday and a couple more on Sunday...just to move one apartment. Shane was very unorganized and I still owe him a good pushing down some stairs for unnecesarily depriving us of internet, phone, and tv for the weekend. For him it was no big deal since he had stuff to unpack and Erin to play with. I had little to do.

So: I was in a hot, dark place, sore after heavy activity, sleep deprived, with no phone or internet and all I had to play was a buggy, poor excuse for a videogame.

I really want to know what horrible thing I did in a previous life. I hope it was really cool, like taking out a President, or starting the cold war.

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