
Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Lookit me! I'm the Pope!

Here I have this massive book called the Bible, the book of God's word. God is everything, I like totally love Him since he made everything, so His Word is insanely important to me. Without God himself coming down and speaking otherwise, I - the Interpreter of His Word and Mortal Leader of His Flock - have to take it at face value and assume that everything in here is EXACTLY what He meant.

Now, don't get me wrong, there's a lot of contradictions, but in the matter of Homosexuality, it's really really really clear. There's nothing wrong with being Gay, BUT according to the Bible (and thus God), sexual acts between Homosexuals are very wrong. Infact, God Nuked an entire city with His Holy Might because of it (and some otherthings, like Gambling, but we let that slide for some reason).

Now, marriage is the nice way of the Bible saying "You are now allowed to have sex with each other" in addition to ect. Basically, Marriage means that you have proven to each other that you like each other enough to make a commitment FOREVER and that the rest of society thinks it's acceptable. So you can see the contradiction: Gays getting Married means that society sees them as being ready for it (which Gays are...hell, they put up with so much shit from us) BUT, it also means that they are now allowed to have sex. The Bible says that kind of stuff is WRONG.

So see the position I'm in? I'm crushed between Equality and the Bible. In the end, Equality will win, but for now my job means that the Bible has to prevail.

As the Pope, I want to say 'be righteous people, follow your hearts, be who you want, but be good about it'. But what I have to say, as a GIANT figure-head is "Gay Marriage is WRONG."

Ofcourse, the Church saying something is wrong hasn't stopped you from doing a lot of things anyways. It really shows that the Chruch is losing its power and will probably finally collapse due to its mostly unwavering ideals. Most of them are good and have lead society through some bad crap, but hell, its been responsible for some of the WORST fighting ever!

Well, I'm old. The new Pope should be showing up soon. He'll have a couple choices. He can do what I did and follow the Bible pretty closely or he can start everyone down a new road of leniency. Maybe he'll surprise us all and come out of the closet when he gets ordained! All of us in Heaven will be laughing our asses off.

Anyways, Gay is fine, Gay Marriage (and thus sex) is bad. According to the Church. I couldn't care less myself, but hey, we all have to cope with shit in our jobs.

Wee! Pretending to be the Pope is fun!

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