
Saturday, August 02, 2003

Dear Developers,

Why must you be so retarded? Why must you ruin your own games?

Planetside was glorious. I played the Beta a lot (A LOT) and played the various empires (Vanu, Terran Republic, New Conglomerate) almost equally which is pretty rare for Specialist-Me. The sides were almost balanced, each having their areas of advantage.

But then it went Gold and they started to 'patch' it.

You see, the balance of the game revolves around vague generalisations that they make about each Empire's combat style. Vanu rely on manueverability, TR rely on fast-firing weapons and NC rely on heavy damage.

Ofcourse, then they go and fuck it with a patch.

The Vanu now have a rifle that can clear entire rooms of soldiers with one clip. It has range, splash damage, speed, accuracy and a fairly large clip. Ofcourse, the game was fine for a while after the patch since not a lot of people used previously because the damage was low. But now not one Vanu soldier can be found that doesn't carry it. They run in mobs through bases killing everything before it can even get a shot off.

The NC have an upgraded shotgun which can kill an average soldier in 2 shots (a total of 1 second since it's fully auto). It's impossible to miss with the shotgun at close range. This gun, at least, has a range limit, but bases are death traps for fighting vs them.

The Vanu also have a hover tank which doubles as an infantry mower. It can skim across water to attack or escape and has a pretty powerful cannon. It's power is supposedly limited by the arc of the cannon which is fixed forward, but since the tank HOVERS, it can simply strafe all it wants, dodging shots easily.

The NC have a tank with a cannon so powerful that it can 2 shot anything short of another tank its weight. It also has really good armour despite the description saying otherwise and also is almost as fast as the Vanu tank.

Those two Empires are set for some great battles with their gear...ofcourse, here's the screw up: The TR have dick all. Their equivalent infantry gun is extremely fast firing and does okay damage, but it can't hit anything except at point blank. Their tank? It takes an extra person to run than the other two. Its slower, has weaker guns, is MUCH easier to hit...BUT at least it has more armour! I have never seen one defeat either of the other two tanks one vs one.

So what does this do to the gameplay? Instead of Vanu and NC fighting against themselves, they don't bother and just rape the TR since that nets them faster kills and more experience.

What happens when an entire Empire gets raped for a week straight? Some of the players stop playing the game, but most of the mother-fuckers go and CHANGE SIDES like in any other First Person Shooter.

I WAS having fun in the game up until today. But tonight when I played, EVERYONE was exploiting all the weapons and vehicles. There also seems to be a problem with the cloak since I was magically spotted four times tonight when I was crouching, in a corner and they weren't using Darklight. Hacks? I wouldn't be surprised. A bug that everyone is exploiting? I'd say that's also likely.

A fucked up game? Why yes.

Hopefully by the time I get a JOB (HINT, HINT, WINK, WINK) they will have fixed their moronic mistakes and maybe impliment future changes with something called "moderation".

Then I will play it again.

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