
Saturday, June 21, 2003

I don't know why I keep linking Gamespot since every other time I go there the PC section gives me 404 errors, but it saves me some typing.

/me gets on hands and knees and prays that this time they will work out the bugs and streamline their frickin' interface.

It's an excellent Turn Based Game with lots of strategy but the bugs caused Peteo and myself to go nuts when the game crashed on us during the culmination of our devilish alliance against the strangely out of character inept AI. (Disclaimer: I actually had the patience to continue, but Pete succumbed to the wiles of shooting terrorists in the face).

I need like a robot or something that I can do some hardcore gaming with. Everyone I know is weak and has to "take a break" or "go to work" or "sleep". I miss the days of 6 hour RTS battles that when completed feel as if you really did just save the universe from those Zerg/Terran/Protoss bastards :D

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