
Friday, May 30, 2003

And now for an irrelevant rant on Aliens:

Just finished watching Alien Ressurection (the fourth in the Aliens series for you UNCULTURED SCUM). I think it's such a great movie, on par, if not better than the 2nd. No sequel will ever surpass the orginal Aliens, though. That one was way too ground breaking, and I consider it one of the coolest, most inventive and moody sci-fi movies EVER.

Aliens 4, though. It has the creepy, the sexy, the awesome, the cool, the continuity, the inovation and the MOOD. You know why those ships look so awesome and dirty and junky? Because they use MODELS not CG. It looks SO much more beleivable and fits perfectly with the Dirt Future. Exquisite.

Weaver kicks ass and I hope to God that she has full control over the next movie even if she herself does not return as Ripley. It would be HILARIOUS if the next movie dealt with Ripley and MonkeyMan's kids (MonkeyMan is the big guy with the ape face that "mostly just hurts people") and maybe some robots or predators or something. Why not have the kids be the next evolution of both Alien and Human? Hmm? It'd be fun to see some preds get their asses kicked.

Anyways. Need to watch this HL2 movie then cut off some heads with my new Vorpal Shortsword.

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